Tools for bending presses

Top Lantis spol. s r.o. is a company with long-lasting experience in selling bending, forming, perting or pressing tools.

The tool maker produces a wide range of these tools. Both for clamping system PROMECAM/AMADA or system WILA/TRUMPF,.
The tools are made of special carbon steel, cloudy at 55-60HRC on the working part, which is considered essential for achieving the best possible results in every detail. For the Trumpf system, the tools are also made in a varinta of chrommolybdenum steel, i.e. the same input material used as the original "Trumpf" instruments.

The large machine park of planers, mills and grinders in lengths of up to 7 m designed for tool making alone allows our manufacturer to achieve high quality tool making in real time for very good money.

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